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Lockdown Luxury Products: The Bath Tray

With the whole circus of having multiple lockdowns over the past two years, we have found ourselves spending more time at home, in our own space, and with the people we love most. A blessing and time to rest for some, for sure! However, it goes without saying, the little luxuries of life was definitely missed! I remember taking my phone with as I ran a bath and thought... I feel like unwinding, relaxing, and taking some well-deserved me time. I knew I was going to spend more time in the bath so I might as well watch something on Netflix!  I remember carefully balancing my phone between a Bubble Tub tin and a candle, I thought to myself... sherbit......

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MIES on everybody's Lippies!

I love lip balm, but I also love a goooood lip balm.  There is nothing more irritating than a lip balm that you have to re-apply ten thousand times a day.  Those kind of lip balms (you know those ones that you find at the checkout at the grocery store or pharmacy), those are made to dry your lips out, so that you use it up, so that you have to buy more.  Clever little devils! Here at MIES, we have been making our LIPPIES lip balm for I don't even know how many years and it is still a favorite among many!  I believe the success lies in the simplicity of the ingredients for.  The more ingredients, the less...

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